
Should I just tell Dr. Fitzgerald to book the space in Trinity for me from 3rd July onwards anyway? I get to stay in Trinity for a month!
And my PI is referring to my England internship as a 'sabbatical'. Haha technically it is, a sabbatical for an undergraduate :D
Labels: Random, Travel
Ladies First.
Someone asked on Yahoo! Answer:
有一日...*我班有一位男生說:「這個世界本身己經不公平,為何要Lady First??為何要以女士為先呢??這樣對男士不公平,應該男女平等。」就在以上的文字,談談自己的看法....*
(Why do we have to practice 'Ladies First'? It's not fair to the gentlemen... Men and women should be equal!)
I said:
你的ladies first問題的爭議主要出自某些女性希望得到`特權`. 在維多利亞年代, 女性的社會地位依然低下, ladies first展現的是男子的`風度`, 是一種由上至下的, 以男性為中心的行為, 屬於一種男性對女性的`施捨`. 現在女性地位改變, 男女漸趨平等, 但是某些女性在看回以前男性對待女性的方式的時候, 對自己女性的身分開始有了一種浪漫的憧憬, 認為這是女性應有的`特權`, 因此開始要求男性這麼對待自己. 不論在任何年代, 沒有風度的男性都不被社會所接受, 因為`沒有風度`等於`無視弱者的需要`. 當現今女性如此要求男性的時候, 她們是在一定程度上濫用她們的身分: 既接受現今社會的男女平等概念, 也利用她們傳統上`弱者`的身分要求特權.
我非常支持男女平等; 現今社會很多方面男人和女人之間都應該受到同等對待, 例如投票權, 參政權, 職業機會, 薪金等等. 另一方面, 我亦反對任何方式的特權. 因此, 如果我覺得我應該做, 我不管你是女的是男的我都會幫你提袋子開車門; 我不會因為你是女性特地為你做這些東西. 同樣的, 我也不會要求女性服侍我 - 我認為我的女朋友必須負責任, 能獨立思考, 思想上和我差不多, 這樣才能互相扶持和互補不足. 很多人覺得我神經病, 可我認為, 在現在的社會, 男性不應該絕對的主導, 女性也不應該有特權, 這樣才能貫徹平等的精神.
當然, 男人和女人的社會角色可以不一樣: 男人外出工作, 女人看顧家庭, 並不代表男女不平等, 不一樣的只是角色. 在一個普通, 沒有傭人的家庭裡, 男人外出工作家裡沒人照顧不行, 女人留在家裡沒有人拿錢回家一樣不行, 沒有那一樣比較重要的問題. 當然女人可以不接受這種角色而和男人一樣外出工作; 她們選擇的是角色而不是社會地位, 反之男人亦然. 社會沒能認識這一點是男女平等實行的一大障礙, 遲早必須排除.
I was given 40 points for this answer :D
Summary: I suggested that 'Ladies First' is a remnant of a Victorian practice in which gentleman, being the gender with more power in society, bestows grace upon ladies in such a form to acknowledge their status as the weaker gender. Thus I oppose to such a notion because I believe in equality between genders, and thus, when women ask men to grant them this special privilege while advocating gender equality at the same time, they are technically abusing their female identity.
And I argue that females and males can have different traditional roles in society, there is no difference in status between the roles, and any gender can choose to not play those traditional roles. I further argued that my future partner ought to be responsible, hold similar values as I do, but she also must be able to think independently and critically - so as to fill up each other's blind spots and to achieve a better future together.
I told that to Yiran (I just simply said that my wife in the future cannot be too stupid) and his conclusion is that I am mad - because his idea of a perfect wife is someone who is
*above-average looking* and
*cannot be smarter than him* :D
*edited 30 March 2008, 11:03pmLabels: Policy and Politics
UK Summer.
Since now my whole family is in HK I think this blog is the most effective means for me to communicate my summer itinerary to them.
I have confirmed 3 legs of air tickets:
Virgin Atlantic: VS 022Depart: Washington Dulles
24 May 2008 (Sat) 6:40pmArrive: London Heathrow
25 May 2008 (Sun) 7:05amCost: $351.24
Air New Zealand: NZ 038Depart: London Heathrow
14 August 2008 (Thu) 9:05pmArrive: Hong Kong International
15 August 2008 (Fri) 3:50pmCost: $578.54
3. Hong Kong to Singapore - Not Confirmed
Cathay Pacific: CX 716Depart: Singapore Changi
2 September 2008 (Tue) 6:25pmArrive: Hong Kong International
2 September 2008 (Tue) 10:10pmCathay Pacific: CX 830Depart: Hong Kong International
3 September 2008 (Wed) 9:45amArrive: New York John F. Kennedy
3 September 2008 (Wed) 1:10pmCost: $703.23
Total Cost: $1633.01 (excluding HKG to SIN flight).
Also, the itinerary for my trip to
Yellowstone in May is as follows:
Southwest Airlines: WN 3491Depart: Washington Dulles
16 May 2008 (Fri) 6:35amArrive: Chicago Midway 16 May 2008 (Fri) 7:25am
Southwest Airlines: WN 2267Deaprt: Chicago Midway 16 May 2008 (Fri) 9:15am
Arrive: Salt Lake City
16 May 2008 (Fri) 11:35am2.
Southwest Airlines: WN 3077Depart: Salt Lake City
21 May 2008 (Wed) 4:00pmArrive: St. Louis 21 May 2008 (Wed) 7:55pm
Southwest Airlines: WN 2667Depart: St. Louis 21 May 2008 (Wed) 9:40pm
Arrive: Baltimore-Washington
22 May 2008 (Thu) 12:40amLabels: Travel
Moral of the story: If you want to find a girlfriend, you don't have to do anything. Just do whatever you want to do without that aim in mind, and you'll get it. More Chinese wisdom:
有心栽花花不發, 無心插柳柳成蔭
It has to have some elements of truth for this phrase to last hundreds of years...
Haha still staring at it? Get back to work! Or go to sleep!
Labels: Random, Relationships
Summer Plans Kick-off.
Got word from A*Star that there are two labs in Cambridge that will be able to take me for summer. I have responded to one of them (I can't join the other because they work on biophysics stuff which I have absolutely no clue what that would be) - and as soon as I get a reply from the PI I will begin sorting out the practicalities for this coming summer.
Quite a bit of stuff to do... But hey, that's a small price to pay for a great summer ahead (or at least I hope)!
Reasons why I am expecting a great summer ahead:
1. Because it will be an European summer
2. It's NOT going to be hot (albeit rainy)
3. Fun as long as the UK guys finish exams and are still hanging around
4. More fun if the US guys are also going over
5. Hopefully can get to hike around England a bit
6. Sushi should be coming over some time
7. Don't have to stay up till 4am just to watch EuroCup
8. Cambridge basically transforms into party town as soon as their exams are over
9. I can go to London anytime to watch a musical just like how I go to New York here
10. And I will be doing some good science :D
(There is a strange tendency for a general eastward migration during summer: the US people will move to Europe and the UK people will move home, resulting in a bizzaire shift in demographics. At least for Hopkins, last year it was Grace and Yi Chung who moved, this year it would be me and probably Grace again. No one seems to want to go home for long unless forced to :P)
I hope things will work out smoothly from now onwards - would still have to keep my fingers crossed until the last detail is ironed out :P
Reply to comments!
>Ferret: Like you said, there is no definite cause and effect relationship between belief and knowledge: though the main thing that I don't get is, don't you have to know BEFORE you believe? And when some people 'believe blindly' (or 'having blind faith') - i.e. they don't know what they are believing - what is the relationship between belief and knowledge here then? What is it that they know, what is it that they don't, and what is it that they are believing in?
Being a person who thinks logically I personally rely a lot on knowledge to tell me what to put my faith on and what not to. Even if my heart tells me something I would always take a long time to transform that to belief and action because I need to gather information to support that feeling. But I know some people do not act this way - so for them, do they have to know BEFORE they believe and act?
>coolgoh:'If what you mean by "belief" is a stronger conviction in one form of scientfic evidence, then we have no diagreement': okay we have no disagreement. But I don't agree with your general definition of belief - let's not go into that. We have talked about that before :P
I think that the discrepency between your point of view regarding health and mine is because of fundamental differences in perspectives. I don't believe in who is ultimately responsible to whose health - simply because there are limitations to what choices you can make based on circumstances. It might be more fair to say that if more options are available to you then you are more responsible, but if less options are available to you then you are less responsible.
And when you talk about universal affordable healthcare, you are talking about minimising inequality in healthcare - and that is my whole point. Anyway, the medical insurance system is both a source and a manifestation of inequality in America right. Inequality is such a multi-faceted thing that it affects and manifests itself in many forms...
When I saw and consciously attempted to note the difference between the Wegmans store in Hunt Valley, the Save-a-lot on 20th and Howard and the corner store in
The Corner at Fayette and Monroe, suddenly these issues which previously only existed on paper in our world just came alive. They really exist.
As for racism, I only have one piece of data off hand to support that - and I have used it (the point doesn't originate from me anyway) :P Your way of controlling the analysis could be valid in a sense that it is a direct comparison of the effect of race when
socio-economic status is controlled. However, when we are trying to answer the question as to
why do we have a higher percentage of African Americans having bad health compared to Americans who are white the answer would not come that easily anymore - and that is precisely the kind of questions public health wants to address. Racism could be one of the factors, but certainly not the only, and how large a role it plays remains to be elucidated.
All these issues come to life in Baltimore and living here exposes us to all these issues that are certainly not unique to this city. The class showed me these large social forces at work creating the health problem while over spring break I went into the city to see for myself how the Christian missions in the city have worked to try to make a difference at the community level. Like I said previously, a multi-faceted approach is needed to address the health problem of the city, because the problems exist in all layers.
I come to realise that we all can play a role to make some changes - it doesn't have to be anything big because whatever small thing we do will be part of the multi-faceted approach, and solving the health problem (or in general the inner city problem) in Baltimore can take a generation (it took a 30 years for Baltimore to deteriorate into what it is now). I told myself to try to commit some time next semester to do something regularly, and I already have some ideas as to what to do :)
Labels: Life, Philosophy and Religion, Policy and Politics
Knowledge, Belief, and Action.
There was an intense discussion about the relationships between 'belief', 'knowledge' and 'action' in my anthropology class one of the days. I didn't say anything during the discussion because I myself cannot resolve the issue.
Which one leads to which?
In general people kind of agree that 'belief' is not based on logic but based on experience and tradition. 'Knowledge' is based on what people tell you - but it doesn't necessarily lead to 'belief' and in many cases 'belief' can lead to 'knowledge'. 'Knowledge' is generally regarded as rational and logical as compared to 'belief'. 'Actions' are then logical extensions of an individual's 'belief' and 'knowledge', regardless of how bizzaire the actions may seem for people who do not possess the same belief and knowledge.
It applies to all situations: in public health, we know that education is extremely important in influencing a person's health, but education DOES NOT translate into good health choices. There are too many other factors that affect an individual's health choices: socio-economic status, peer influence, media influence, cultural tradition, accessibility to alternatives, etc etc all affect how someone lives his life.
Science is based on belief: GCS you can challenge me but if you are a critic of every single scientific theory you are basically just some thorn in the flesh in scientific meetings but you won't be making real contributions. There must be something that you hold onto, some form of scientific evidence that you think that is more convincing than others, and you base your life's work on that. It recurs through the history of science and it is still very much the case now.
I have also recently decided to translate some form of knowledge/belief into serious belief and action. Watch this space closely for more information.
Anyway, the following few paragraphs is the P/F mini-essay that I am going to submit for my Urban Health and Advocacy class. Written for those who are interested in public health policy and how they can make a difference.
The health situation in the United States is known internationally to be way below optimal. Problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and obesity are rampant in the US and have given Americans a life expectancy at the lowest end of all developed nations. It has been widely understood that these problems are serious in the US because of the American lifestyle and bad personal health choices. This is true to a certain extent; however, it is definitely not the entire picture. According to Dr. Chris Gibbons, Associate Director of the Urban Health Institute in Johns Hopkins as well as the HBO series 'Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?', the root cause of poor health among Americans, especially in Americans with lower socio-economic status, is environmental factors such as inequality, racism and the lack of resources.Environmental factors affect the choices that individuals make to a very large extent. According to Dr. Gibbons, a lot of factors which affect personal choices are not controllable by the individual: very often, in neighbourhoods that belong to the lower socio-economic class, a lot of choices that are required for a healthy lifestyle are simply not available. As a result, people living in those areas are restricted to eating cheap fast food for sustenance, because fresh vegetables and fruits are not sold there as the people living there will not be able to afford them regularly anyway. They would be restricted to watching television at home during their free time as it is not safe to go out for a jog or let their children go to the playground to play. People might not have a strong social support network to fall back on because everyone there is busy worrying about their own problems and thus do not have a strong sense of trust and community among themselves. Issues of job insecurity, personal safety, poor living conditions due to a lack of resources, etc. all combine to produce a form of unhealthy lifestyle which plaques American society.These situations are closely linked to the issues of inequality and racism that were entrenched in American society for hundreds of years. In the film mentioned above, the Richmond district of San Francisco - which was once a booming town due to the ship-building industry - started its decline once the Second World War was over when the shipyards started to shut down. The government provided housing loans for people to move out to the suburbs where there were better living conditions and better job and education opportunities - however, only 2% of those getting the loans were African Americans. Thus, the majority of the working class blacks were stuck in Richmond, which no longer provided ample jobs as commercial establishments continued to move out. The situation was similar in Baltimore - as the industries started its decline towards the 1970s and 1980s, the working class blacks were forced to stay behind in the inner city while the more affluent classes who held the financial resources began to move out to search for better living conditions and better opportunities. The result of such inequality resulted in malignant poverty in these people who used to belong to the working class, because they are poor and yet they have little access to well-paying jobs or even any job at all. Such poverty brought crime to the area and all the restrictions in health choices that were previously mentioned, resulting in the general poor health and low life expectancies in people living in these areas.From all these information, it seems that the best solution to these problems was to eliminate, or at least minimize inequality in American society. There were many ways in which this can be done. According to Dr. Gibbons, a multifaceted approach that extend beyond the medical model, i.e. solutions that focus mainly on improving the accessibility of people to healthcare, is required to solve these problems. One of the things that Johns Hopkins is doing involves community-based health workers, who attempt to bridge the huge gap between the Hospital and the surrounding inner-city communities by providing basic healthcare services in the midst of these communities. The abovementioned film provided another example of the successful makeover of a community named High Point in Seattle, Washington, in which the leaders of the community secured federal funding to rebuild the houses in the community to provide a better living environment for residents in an attempt to improve the endemic asthma situation among the children there. Non-profit organizations and faith-based organizations in Baltimore such as Light and New Song provide another source of support which is essential as part of the solution - they address the immediate needs of the residents as well as provide a strong social support network for the residents when needs arise.In conclusion, individual health is not solely an individual's problem - it is also a social problem and a national problem. There is only so much an individual can do: he can have the full knowledge that eating fried chicken everyday is bad for him but if his economic situation can only provide him with that, he has no choice because he has to survive. In order to improve the urban health situation in the United States, a multifaceted approach which involves the community, non-profit organizations, the government, medical institutions as well as the individual is definitely required. The community and non-profit organizations would be able to provide for the immediate needs of individuals, the government should support those efforts with policy changes that minimizes inequality and the provision of funding, medical establishments ought to support these efforts by making an effort to reach out to the community to make healthcare more accessible, and the individual should be educated and be willing to adopt a lifestyle change when resources become available. In a long run, such measures might not only improve the health situation of the country but also save a large proportion of the money that the country is currently spending on healthcare. Labels: Philosophy and Religion, Policy and Politics
Messed up schedule...
Saturday: slacked the whole day and regretted it.
Sunday: Wrote one essay in the morning, went to lab in the afternoon, tuition in the evening, and spent almost the whole night writing another essay.
Monday: Lessons/lab + put off my HERO class to Tuesday and I basically just slept from 7pm till 4am the next day.
Tuesday: I woke up at 4 for a reason: to read. Read stuff till 10am, went for class, went to lab, went for HERO, got back at 10:30pm. Went to sleep around 1am, wanted to wake up at 6 to do homework but didn't manage to :P
Wednesday: So, went for class, went to lab, went for class again till 6:30pm, then went out for dinner, then tuition, got back at 11:30pm.
Thursday: Woke up early to finish up the homework, went for class, went to lab, went for HERO, got back at 12am.
Spring break week isn't going to be any more free. I have to do better planning next semester -if not I'll really just die flat.
A*Star still hasn't told me anything about my UK internship. It is getting annoying... I CANNOT CONFIRM ANYTHING WITH ANYONE IF THEY STILL REFUSE TO LET ME KNOW THE OUTCOME. And the worst thing is, it's useless bugging them!
Next time I am just going to do everything myself. If I had done that this time round, I would most probably have gotten my air tickets, be in the midst of arranging for accommodations, and should have more or less confirmed the fun stuff that I am going for.
Anyway, got the messed up exam back. It is 6 points below the first standard deviation, and it's 8 points above the mean. Thus, if the mean is a B or B-, this kind of result should give me a B+. I lost my bowl of laksa from GCS (better than a B) and still didn't get a good grade, so it kind of sucked.
Hopefully I am not going to mess up the next one. So far it has been basic pharmacology (no math involved for me - shengyong explained the math to me yesterday and according to him it is 'very easy' - but need to integrate stuff so hmms?) and antiretrovirals (this time I am going to freaking memorise the structures for all of them)...
Labels: Life
Let's talk about love...
1. Is everyone capable of loving?
Answer: Yes, unless you have some unknown-to-me neurological defect. Ask your doctor.
2. Then why is it that some people just seem so heartless?
Answer: That is because they either have the neurological defect or they have not found someone to love.
3. Does love need to be nurtured?
Answer: Yes and no. Capability to love is innate, but how people present their love and how they identify targets to love depend tremendously on what they were taught - i.e. their value systems.
4. What is your definition of love?
Answer: My definition of love is simple. Love = 'a quality that prompts you to sacrifice yourself for the other party unconditionally'. This is a moral bottomline and is non-negotiable.
5. How many forms of love are there?
Answer: Numerous. God <-> humankind, parents <-> children, sibling <-> sibling, husband <-> wife, boyfriend <-> girlfriend, friend <-> friend, individual -> community/country, etc etc etc.
6. How would you express your love?
Answer: Depends. It is not necessarily about presents or 'I love you' or whatnot - and it really depends. A very hard question to answer - because most probably I won't know I am doing it when I am doing it. If you think I am, then I am; if you think I am not, then I am not. Fair?
7. Any final comments?
Answer: Love must be mutual for any relationship to work out - not restricted to that between a guy and a girl. If you have the tendency to love someone without the other person loving you, then you are destined to be a super card collector (see
好人卡). If you have the tendency to not love someone despite the other loving you, you are not only a super card giver (if you are a popular girl) but you are also destined to cause distress (when the other party is your mum).
Sigh what we learnt from our parents made us destined to be taken advantage of - because they are being taken advantage of all the time. We can't stand things that are not done properly, and we will really go and do it - I have been doing this in the army and I am still doing this now, from clearing rubbish/cleaning toilet to doing weekend duties/preparing reagents etc...
I generally don't feel that I am being taken for granted because I willingly do it. Some people think that I am - e.g. my mother - but I just shrug it off...
Now as I see that she is being brutally taken for granted I understand how she feels. I am really pretty upset - though what can I do about it? She loves her sister, and we love our aunt - and for that we have to make some sacrifice right? I know that my mum won't be happy if we force her to go back to Singapore, and that will compromise our aunt...
She had been calling me quite frequently for the past 2 weeks; it had been tiring and emotionally draining for her. I listened, and tried to tell her things that I think is right... it works most of the time because her values are mine. Sushi has been under a lot of stress also; she is having midterms after midterms and yet she had to make sure that mum is okay and help her out when needed... She has been doing a great job really - thank you so much.
Sushi didn't understand some stuff and that prompted me to write this. Yeah, some people may think that we are troublesome, crazy, stupid, overly cautious, asking for trouble... though the most important thing is, we know that we are doing the right thing. We have to be able to stand by ourselves before we can stand up in front of others.
Everyone can love - it's just harder for some people. You will see... eventually...
Labels: Life, Philosophy and Religion, Relationships
Channel Newsasia:
MM Lee says Mas Selamat’s escape is a severe lesson on complacencyThis is a recurrent worry, and it is precisely my worry too:
My worry is that if these ruling party MPs continue to not be contested in Parliament, they will become too contended and eventually lose their function, which is evidently happening...LinkLink to clarification/addentumIn view of this, I again urge everyone:
1. The most important thing now is, stay very vigilant - actively report anything suspicious and take those national security videos in the MRT stations seriously. Although they say that the escape is not planned but you really never know - after such an incident the risk of having a terrorist attack in Singapore definitely increased. Trust the police and the army but
do not COMPLETELY rely on them - actively report everything when you feel that you need to.
In the long run, don't assume that the government will always act according to yours and the country's best interest. Be active and be sufficiently prepared, so that when the sky falls on you you know how to react. I know it sounds very patriotic to 'die with your country' but if you died immediately after crisis hit you won't be able to fight for your country and you won't be around when your country needs you to rebuild everything.
3. Don't just complain - use your brain when dealing with national issues and be actively aware of all opinions. Know what is best for you and what is best for the country - so when your input is needed you can give honest and constructive comments, suggestions and criticisms.
4. Active civil participation is what makes democracy work. Our government is not completely oblivious to opinions, so voice them if you have any! If you realise that the government is compromising on the interest of society, you know where to exercise your power. This can only work if you are actively aware of what is happening in the country - if not you will basically be just rambling nonsense and voting blindly!
5. I believe this is in Singapore's best interest in the long run. So if you are capable try to be part of it - you don't have to be Mr. Brown or Diodati but you can always just stay intelligent. Anyway, don't take what Mr. Brown and Diodati say whole sail too - that is also not using brain.
Although I say that I have been actively trying to plan for escape routes, honestly I do not hope to put them to use; but I believe that it makes a lot of sense to have some idea of what I can do if everything doesn't work out. Like I have been telling sushi, you have to have some control over or alternative plans for everything - be it asking for money back from the school, buying air tickets through travel agents, arranging for transport to the train station/airport, arranging for summer internship - if you trust the school/travel agent/traffic/whatever completely, you'll either be completely screwed or you'll have to go through a lot of trouble/pay a huge price to get whatever rectified.
Sushi learnt this the hard way, and I made sure that she did - while she can still afford to.
So don't let it happen to you too!
Labels: Policy and Politics
Yahoo! 知識+/Yahoo! Answers
I discovered recently that
Yahoo! 知識+ is actually very very interesting!
Since then I have been helping people with English, math, bio and chem stuff up there so that I can bring myself up in rank. There are also random stuff that I do like giving travel advice etc. :P
It's just very very interesting. People ask all kinds of things up there... Example:
Subject: 同女朋友拍左4個月拖 想同佢kiss/攬
(Have been together with my girlfriend for 4 months, want to kiss/hug her)我地2個都係12歲
(Both of us are 12 years old)平時出街淨拖手會好悶
(It would be very boring if we only hold hands when we go out)點先可以攬/kiss佢
(How can I hug/kiss her)有咩辦法
(Any suggestions?)Like that also can!
And there are people who bother to reply him seriously.
There are also a lot of lazy bums who want others to help them do their homework...
If you guys have time take a look and read about other people's relationship problems :D This is basically the HK version of Yahoo! Answers (almost the same), but I find it more interesting than Yahoo! Answers... probably because of the language :P
Labels: Random
AIDS exam...
Just screwed up an exam...
Reason: 1. I didn't study enough 2. I spent most of my time studying for stuff that didn't come out, and I basically just glanced through the stuff that came out.
Result: I don't know the answer to a lot of the easy questions - those 'either you know or don't know' questions, like 'when did HIV first enter the US' and 'draw a cartoon depicting the genomic structure of HIV' - and conveniently forgot easy terms like 'long-term non-progressors'. And my mind is filled with the molecular mechanisms of integrase, reverse transcriptase, the fusion of HIV and the host cell etc which COMPLETELY didn't come out.
Die liao. This time confirm get B :( :( :(
(And GCS please shut up.)
Labels: Life
Working through the night...
Realised that, once you have worked through the night once, you will figure that it isn't a big deal after all and you will just keep doing it.
This has become rather routine for the BME guys, and becoming a routine for me. There is a little problem for me because I don't skip lectures in the morning, so working through the night is kind of painful when you still have to go for class at 10am.
It will become more of a routine for me - at this state of things I would only have one evening free every week until the first week of May, because it looks like the tutoring office is giving me another assignment for organic chemistry (which I can still take) and I started to keep going to HERO (which is fun - can treat as some sort of relaxation until test comes).
Plus I am doing 18 arts and sciences coursework credits excluding research.
Crazy schedule. Fortunately not a lot of hell weeks left: one more set of duo hell weeks (last week of March + first week of April) and that's it! I have a pretty free finals period actually :)
Labels: Life