Messed up schedule...
Saturday: slacked the whole day and regretted it.Sunday: Wrote one essay in the morning, went to lab in the afternoon, tuition in the evening, and spent almost the whole night writing another essay.
Monday: Lessons/lab + put off my HERO class to Tuesday and I basically just slept from 7pm till 4am the next day.
Tuesday: I woke up at 4 for a reason: to read. Read stuff till 10am, went for class, went to lab, went for HERO, got back at 10:30pm. Went to sleep around 1am, wanted to wake up at 6 to do homework but didn't manage to :P
Wednesday: So, went for class, went to lab, went for class again till 6:30pm, then went out for dinner, then tuition, got back at 11:30pm.
Thursday: Woke up early to finish up the homework, went for class, went to lab, went for HERO, got back at 12am.
Spring break week isn't going to be any more free. I have to do better planning next semester -if not I'll really just die flat.
A*Star still hasn't told me anything about my UK internship. It is getting annoying... I CANNOT CONFIRM ANYTHING WITH ANYONE IF THEY STILL REFUSE TO LET ME KNOW THE OUTCOME. And the worst thing is, it's useless bugging them!
Next time I am just going to do everything myself. If I had done that this time round, I would most probably have gotten my air tickets, be in the midst of arranging for accommodations, and should have more or less confirmed the fun stuff that I am going for.
Anyway, got the messed up exam back. It is 6 points below the first standard deviation, and it's 8 points above the mean. Thus, if the mean is a B or B-, this kind of result should give me a B+. I lost my bowl of laksa from GCS (better than a B) and still didn't get a good grade, so it kind of sucked.
Hopefully I am not going to mess up the next one. So far it has been basic pharmacology (no math involved for me - shengyong explained the math to me yesterday and according to him it is 'very easy' - but need to integrate stuff so hmms?) and antiretrovirals (this time I am going to freaking memorise the structures for all of them)...
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