More stuff for you people to ask -'WHY IS XIAOYANG POSTING THESE THINGS AGAIN?'
This is an interesting song though. I have posted the lyrics once, but I have not posted the videos before. There are 2 good versions (both using the same music track):
From Mainland China: Cute animations, but unclear words (simp.):
From Taiwan: Clear words (trad.), but the presentation isn't that great.
Key Vocab:
症候群 = Syndrome
免疫 = Immune (adj.)
內分泌失調 = Hormonal disorder
過濾性病毒 = Some kind of virus
三字經 = Swear words
啞鈴 = Dumbbells
食慾不振 = Can't eat
歇斯底裡 = Hysteria
四肢萎縮 = Muscular dystrophy
才華洋溢 = Very talented
形影不離 = Always together
兩人三腳 = A game where two players tie two legs, one from each player, together and they are supposed to walk
連體嬰 = Siamese twins
示威抗議 = Protesting
海峽兩岸 = China and Taiwan
衣索匹亞 = Ethiopia
厭倦 = Getting sick (of things)
疲憊 = Tired
心悸 = Palpitations
夢囈 = Talking while sleeping
精神不濟 = Lack concentration
瞳孔放大 = Enlarged pupils
顫動 = Shaken
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