Permenantly Scarred?!
The most interesting comment that I have gotten for the previous post was from tk.He said that I sound 'permanently scarred'.
Woah lao. Not so serious la.
If I am permanently scarred,
1) I won't talk about it openly
2) Whenever you people mention it I will confirm flare up
3) There won't be any lesson learned, I will just continue to hate that person
4) I won't even move on with life and hope for anything.
The fact is,
1) I am talking about it openly now
2) You want to say it say lor, I don't care - I might even join in the discussion
3) I learnt something I think? And I don't hate her that is for sure
4) Am I not moving on with life?! Ask me and find out for yourself.
It just isn't very smart to, when everything is over, press reset and then make the same stupid mistake and wrongful assumptions again. That would indeed be not moving on with life...
And why people always say that I am emo... Wishing for someone who cares for me and loves me means that I am emo meh? Aiyo. It's just like, even if you don't want to study it doesn't mean you don't hope for an A in the exam...
Please hor. Don't need to introduce any girl to me. And please don't think too much - thanks a lot.
Since I got back from Cambridge I have always wondered how does our East Baltimore Campus compare to the size of Cambridge's City Centre.
Today I finally took 5 minutes to do the measurements on Google Earth - and I think our hospital campus is at least 30% the size of Cambridge's town centre.
I measured the walking distance between the two labs that I currently shuttle between. It takes me 10 minutes to navigate the maze of tunnels and bridges, but if I do not use the tunnels (which provide warmth and a shorter route), the distance between the two labs is 0.54 miles. That basically spans the whole campus diagonally.
That is the distance between University Arms Hotel at the southwestern corner of Parker's Piece to the Round Church at the junction of Bridge Street and St. John's Street. That is pretty much 80% of a side of a crudely drawn rectangle that marks most of town centre - if you define the span of town centre along that stretch of streets to be from Lensfield Road along Regent Street etc. to Quayside.
Erm. It is THAT far. A post-doc in my lab has suggested that I should get a bike :P
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