Wednesday, October 29, 2008

As life goes on,

At the retreat I made 2 commitments.

1) To start doing things immediately as soon as there is a need to do so.
2) To definitely make an effort to set aside time everyday for prayers and reading the scriptures.

(Retreat = Fall Conference with HCF somewhere upstate Maryland over last weekend.)

So as soon as I came back, I changed the layout of my room. Shifted the bed 90deg, kept my printer which is no longer working, placed two sets of drawers together and created a second table next to one of my bookshelves, moved the portable lamp so that it worked as a second table lamp, and my computer will never go to the second table (to make checking email/watching YouTube inconvenient when I am there).

Has been working as far as I can tell; yesterday night I was doing what I was supposed to be doing (studying German) but I was just simply too tired. So instead of some excessive studying, I had enough sleep instead. Which is good :)

And today I went to S/U Advanced Cell Biology. I did not do well for most of my homework; although I think I probably wouldn't have done too badly for my midterm, I still think that it is a better idea to S/U it. This will give me one less thing to worry about.

AND - I am loving my work...! That day as I was talking to yc and Grace I made the following comment - 'You guys know me for 2 years already and you still don't know meh - since when I work with money as the primary concern one! Now I don't even receive credits nor money for my research!'

(Technically, A*STAR is paying me - so because I have enough money to get by, and I don't need that extra cash, I don't have to ask to be paid...)

I am just happy that I have access to both human and material resources to allow me to play with things that I want to play with. We are actually going to start growing some recombinant tissues (prostaspheres :D) either in vitro or as grafts and establish a budding assay. We are developing the strategy now. The expression patterns have also been tremendously interesting; I am hoping tomorrow will see more striking results with the newly established phospho-Akt immunofluorescence.

Also, we are almost set with the Peru trip after Christmas (the three of us have been talking about it through our Cambridge days, and CL has apparently proven her worth in Yellowstone and the Rockies). Our focus will be on Lima, Cuzco and Machu Picchu, plus a three-day hike - most probably we won't be following the Inca Trail though. I really hope it will work out! Honestly, as soon as we graduate from college, there won't be time for us to do such things anymore...

(Sigh. I want to go back to Cambridge!)
