Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Skin - Finally!

On 'Life is not fair, and it will never be':

>Ferret: I have been praying about it - I believe that I will know the answer when the right moment comes...
>Songyu: that is too poetic already man. I don't think the kind of life that I am heading towards will be 'sweet', but I don't suppose I will regret anything...

Finally got my new skin!

The banner is basically a summary of my adventures: from left to right, sheep soft-toy looking out of my bedroom window; Biopolis from the Proteos/Genome skybridge; Johns Hopkins Hospital; Cambridge's King's College Chapel with Sushi.

The idea 'life is not fair' - well, is a concept that looks nice on the human right declaration, but once you hit the realisation that 'it is never supposed to be', it will not bother you much anymore, because the realisation will make all perceivable comparisons completely pointless.

It is precisely because life is unfair that we end up in various positions filling up various roles. We are all here for different purposes, and we will fulfill our purposes differently because we are all different.

Thus - we should spend more time in finding our own purposes rather than lamenting about how we did compared to other people, how many bungalows he has and how many bungalows I have, and he can hire a $1000-tutor for his child while I have to teach mine myself.

As for me, I am not too bothered with material wealth and enjoyment (I was complaining previously because I can't even survive without putting myself in debt), thus that explains why I am absolutely not interested in any job in the finance sector even though they promise millions of dollars. But I still don't know what my purpose is supposed to be...

I am pretty sure I am the kind of person in which if I can get a comfortable Honda to drive I will see it as completely pointless to get a Jaguar or Lexus - like I don't even bother what kind of cell phone I use as long as it works and is cheap, and flying SQ is not something necessary if it is not one of the cheaper options.

Thus, as long as my family can live comfortably, I am not bothered if I can't get a lot of monetary returns from my (disproportionately heavy) work - I believe I am pretty well-known for doing more (and being better - and thus I seem pretty intense) than what is expected of me most of the time.

I just need to be doing something that satisfy me. But exactly what does, that would be my purpose that I still have to find. To put it generally, I want to do something that will affect people's lives significantly, using my interests, strengths, skills and knowledge, and it seems that being a doctor-cum-scientist works...

And it is also precisely because life is unfair that we need to do social justice. To me, a society is functional as long as those who think they need help will get help, and channels for social mobililty are smooth. Life doesn't have to be fair, but as long as there is general social justice it doesn't matter that much...

Life is not fair. It is never meant to be. As long as we can survive and not need help, we should be thankful - and comtribute ourselves to social justice!


Thursday, September 25, 2008


Article from Zaobao. The points that I find important are bolded and has a different colour.

I have nothing against meritocracy - but as this article points out, meritocracy might seem fair but in fact it might not be; the difference in starting points very often determines the difference in outcome. Singapore has always been preaching to us that meritocracy is the best system and we always have unreservedly believed in it; it is no doubt a system that works but it is always good to take things with a pinch of salt.

Meritocracy can work better. The author's idea seems to be pretty similar to the idea behind affirmative action, but I think there is a subtle difference between the two.

● 盛思鑫

  最近在搜狐网站上看到一篇文章,题目是“为何剑桥不肯承认自己是精英学府”。文章立意本是无错,借剑桥之不肯承认自己是精英学府而来 批评中国国内某些高校所谓的精英论以及过于追求硬件方面的建设。但此等文章只是帮助普通老百姓发了心里的一些愤懑之气,其实看问题未必十分深刻,于现实的 认识流于表面,也就更谈不上有助于改变现实了。

  事实上,现在英国政府正和剑桥、牛津这两所大学叫板,指责它们在录取学生时向富贵子弟倾 斜(例如目前牛津便大约只有十分之一的学生来自贫困家庭),并向这两所学校施压,要求它们录取更多贫寒的优等生,以促进社会公平与和谐。但是这两所大学宣 称它们坚持以学术标准而不是家庭背景来取才,并且认为政府不应该干预它们在学术上的自主权。乍一听双方似乎都有道理,但真要把这个问题的是是非非弄清楚, 还真不是件容易的事情,因为牵涉到的因素太多了。


  就我个人而言,我十分认同英国政府的基本立场,那就是社 会公平与社会和谐是十分重要和基本的价值判断标准。当然,我也赞同录取学生应该要以学术能力和学术表现作为挑选标准。但是这里头有一个起点是否公平的问 题。换言之,就是不同学校、不同成长环境的学生,其学术成绩与学术能力是否能直接比较的问题。就我个人的感受和观察以及从现实中的逻辑来看,它们的确是不 可以比较的。

  譬如一个北大的本科生与一个普通大学的本科生如果学业表现差不多,那么他们在报考海外的研究生时,招生录取委员会多半都会 选择那个北大而不会选择那个普通大学的。理由是什么呢?无非是因为北大的学术环境要比那所普通大学更为出众,而且北大的学生几乎是集中了中国第一流的青年 才俊,在这样的环境中摸爬滚打出来的人才当然要比同等学业表现的普通大学的学子要更为优秀了。

  为了更好地呈现这种逻辑,不妨将情况说得 更极端些:即使是北大学业表现非常靠后的学生,如果将他放在一所普通大学中,他的学业表现也很有可能是出类拔萃的。其实不只是学业表现和晋升了,推而广之 到一般的社会评价,套用一句难听点的俗语就是“凤尾也可做鸡头”。不在一个层次,自然是不能比较的了。

  这种逻辑在现实生活中司空见惯, 也为绝大多数人所接受。据我所知,古今中外的确很少人去挑战这套逻辑。那么这到底是这样的一种逻辑呢?在我看来,这套逻辑讲求的实际就是“老子英雄儿好 汉,老子反动儿混蛋”的出身论。陈胜、吴广在秦末起义的时候大声呼喊过“王侯将相,宁有种乎?”遗憾的是他们最终没能成事;文革时候一个叫遇罗克的年轻人 也曾经撰文反对过毛时代所推行的阶级成分出身划类,但可惜他最后也因此丢掉了自己的性命。古人常常说英雄莫问出处,坊间小说中往往也对草莽英雄津津乐道, 可能大概是因为这种经典太少了才能成为传奇吧?


  但是此处我想着重强调的是上面的那套逻辑其实是大有问题的。 尽管《独立宣言》说“人生而平等”,但那说的只是一种“应然”状态,而“实然”的情况则是“人生不平等”生在富贵之家与生在贫穷家庭的小孩,他们日后 的人生轨迹重合的部分一般都不会太多。一般地,“富贵之家”(包括中上层阶级)的小孩其童年时代的成长环境都比较好,许多心理学家都已经证明了这种孩提时 的物质环境对于日后的性格发展可以带来巨大的影响。


   的确,家庭背景较好的小孩,他更能掌握到这个社会所认为的上乘话语体系,而且他的个人视野也与那些家庭背景较差的小孩有着天壤之别,而在具体行为方面, 他们也因为有家庭更为强大的支持而在追求个人的发展与进步时较少受到客观条件的限制,比如能够进入更好的大学,甚至是自费出国去接受好的教育。而后续个人 的成就也因为此前的一系列优势累积而呈现出明显的“马太效应”,最后也就有了统治其他人的精英阶层出现。




   首先,可以增强大学与社会的多样性因为家庭背景一般或是贫困的学生数量大到一定程度后能够促进精英大学中思想与文化的碰撞,并且这些学生会对未来社会 的发展与选择产生巨大的影响。而多样性是社会与自然生态存在与发展的重要基础,单一的选拔标准与单一的社会结构往往会导致很严重的社会不公与价值观偏差。

   其次,让更多因为外在条件限制的学生可以得到最好的教育与发展机会也有助于减少社会所积累的怨恨,中国古代的科举制度一定程度上起到了这种作用,因为它 的确为相当多的贫寒学子开辟了鱼跃龙门的途径,对于维护社会稳定起到了不小的积极作用相反,如果许多有才能有潜力之人由于没有“好出身”而无法在社会中 得到好的发展机会的话,最后肯定有人会想办法努力去推翻既存的制度,从而容易造成社会动荡。

  最后很重要的一点是,录取那些贫寒出身或是 一般出身的优等生很有可能会激发他们更大的潜能,取得非凡的成就。这其中的道理就更简单了,但却常常为人们所忽视:如果一个人在普通甚至是恶劣的环境中都 能取得非常不错的成绩,那么如果给他更好的条件和环境,他也往往容易取得更大的进步,更大地发挥自己的潜力。当然我这么说并没有排除“逆境出人才”的可能 性,但是我想强调的是现实生活中很明显是“顺境更容易出人才”。

  所以我们更应该肯定那些在贫困或普通家庭中成长出来的优秀学生,哪怕是 他们的学业表现和那些有着绝好成长背景的学生相比有些逊色。正如阿基米德所言,给他一个支点,他便可翘起地球。很多时候,那些在逆境中抗争的人缺的只是一 点机遇,即便这种机遇对于那些背景很好的人来说可能是唾手可得,甚至是毫不珍惜。

  尽管现代社会竞争的残酷性使得一般的逻辑都是在搞优中 选优,优胜劣汰,但无节制竞争的结果往往是造成优劣贫富的差距不断扩大,社会分层也在日益走向固化,人们的价值观念与生活状态也在向一些不太好的方向发生 变化。孔老夫子曾云“有国有家者,不患寡而患不均,不患贫而患不安”,只可惜这一论断和警示被现在的很多人片面地理解为是在鼓励搞平均主义,并批评说不利 于提高效率促进社会发展。但我个人认为,和笼统的民主权利相比较,社会资源分配与个人发展机会上的公平与平等更有其普世价值,我们的确不应该为了竞争或是 一时的个人或团体利益,就放弃了对这种普世价值的追求。


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Life has never been, and will not be, fair.

Because it is meant to be that way.

(We have actually already got a pretty large increase in our allowance this year! :P)

Yesterday was A*STAR day - the directors were here and we went down to somewhere near BWI to eat fantastic crabcakes (they loved it - luckily...). I went to speak to Prof. Bernard Tan and Prof. Miranda Yap privately about my Duke/NUS plans; I got a lot of valuable points to think about from both of them. It definitely wasn't a waste of time.

I didn't get to talk about the money issue (because it was running late...), but I got to tell Cheryl about it pretty thoroughly. I think she understands why we are so upset about it now...

Hopkins builds character! Surviving here itself is a test of faith. The competition is extreme, yet still we have to worry about money and safety, in addition to the ubiquitous problems like travelling 6 miles everyday to lab, experiments not working, managing with household chores... We have the same amount of responsibility towards A*STAR compared to others who might not even have 50% of the problems we have. I didn't even include things like missing home and relationship issues...

And to bring in the materialistic side of it, it is not as if I can include 'cleaning house almost every week and cooking almost everyday' into my CV? When I am doing all these, others who do not have to (having enough money helps) can spend their time doing things that can be.

But those people who know me will know - I chose everything myself. I could have stayed in the Homewood for my research; I chose A*STAR + Hopkins over Cambridge and NUS med; I chose to have a car. No one forced me to do anything; everything just happened. I don't even remember why I applied to Hopkins. It is as if - I am supposed to go through all these.

If two years from now I will really choose the route that I am the most passionate about, it would be almost confirmed that my whole life will be something like that. When I am training as a doctor I will still have to stay current with research (~surviving between lab + double major); I will have to juggle between family and work (~housework and work now); when my peers who are pure MDs are getting their third bungalow I might still only live in HDB (~comparing with people who get automatic raises every year); when my peers who are pure PhDs are professors I might still only be an assistant professor (~comparing with people who don't have to be distracted by various other issues except relevant work)...

Everything seems to echo thoughts that I ever had about my life over the three years here, albeit at a much larger scale.

Numerous events accumulated to channel me here... If A*STAR didn't stop the MBBS/PhD scheme in 2004, if I had decided to go with the crowd to seek the most prestigious to become LKY's alumni, all the way back to if I hadn't had Mr. Yue as my VP when I was in Sec. 3 - I wouldn't have come to Hopkins at all, I wouldn't have gained all these experience, life skills and realisations.

I actually didn't plan to write this - and I didn't realise the match that you have just read as well when I began writing this...!

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ich lerne Deutsch.

This is the hardest set of things that I have made myself do for the past 2 years.

The class meets 4 times a week, homework everyday, quiz every week, in addition, everyday there are new things to memorise...

They haven't bombarded us with the grammar; and because of that I am completely confused as to how to form a sentence that is correct.

On the other hand I feel very happy about it - finally after talking for 2.5 years I really started learning German! I will try to persist through these two semesters but after that when I go back to Singapore it will take quite a bit of effort to continue for one more year... Though seriously, if I don't continue for one more year, my first year of German would be completely wasted...

I am looking forward to the day that I can actually use the language to actually communicate with people :)


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More England Stuff:


And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On England’s pleasant pastures seen

And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold:
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In England’s green & pleasant Land.

>God Save The Queen<

God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen:
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us;
God save the Queen

Thy choicest gifts in store,
On her be pleased to pour,
Long may she reign:
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

2nd week of school...

My teachers are seriously not the kind that will consider cutting their students some slack.

I have -

1) German quiz tomorrow. One chapter of vocabulary and phrases to learn tonight.
2) Every week without fail there will be at least 3 cell biology papers to read with delicate care. AND he just gave us another problem set today to be due WEDNESDAY.
3) 6 + 30 + 9 + 10 pages of 'the cosmological arguments for the existence of God' by Friday.
4) 20+ pages of ancient Greek medicine and then Epidemics from the Hippocratic Corpus.
5) Cell and tissue engineering quiz on Thursday - I don't know what he is going to quiz on but well it's a quiz.
6) Some mini history project due 26 September...

Okay that's all that I can remember for now...

DIE :(

BUT: I am not going to let this fill my whole life. I rather not sleep :P


Sunday, September 14, 2008


I should stop worrying about my lack of knowledge in medicine.

Ultimately, what is going to set me apart from most is my liberal arts education, and the undergraduate training I had in the basic sciences, research methods and its history and philosophy.

Since I have set my mind onto going back to medical school, I would have my share of stuff to mug then... And I will know everything I need to know then, and probably I might even be able to value-add that using what I am learning now.

Hopkins is a life-changing experience. I need to focus on what I need to do for now!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

On Blogs and Friends - and my new home!

By order of CHM, I need to post some pictures of my new room.

So -

This year I no longer live in university housing - I saved at least $430 a month on rent just for that. But because nothing is provided for, we spent a solid week moving and buying stuff and setting up things - in fact, the setting up part has begun even before I went back (I was calling BGE and T-Mobile, yc was calling the ISP...). We were finally done - and the photos showed the results (we set up the folding door, the lights, the curtain by ourselves; transported back home 2 mattresses + 1 spring board tied to the top of my car, went to Walmart/Bed, Bath and Beyond/Home Depot in 2 consecutive days with my car filled to the brim...).

And I fulfilled my environment-friendly agenda - I got myself one clothes rack and a laundry rack so I won't need to use the dryers, all my bulbs are 10 - 15W energy saving bulbs, and both me and Yiran got ourselves fans - no more air-con needed! But hmms I can't avoid using the radiator when winter comes though...

I would probably have an easier life writing a blog that simply reiterates what I have done for the past couple of days... At least, if I do that, I will definitely not make friends who read this space upset and decide not to be 'as close friends with me as before'.

But - what is the point of writing a blog that consists of just that kind of stuff? A blog is like a dairy, something that allows me to complain, to reflect, to express my views - of course, because my blog is a public space I have to exercise discretion; and an added advantage would be that it allows interaction and the exchange of ideas between my friends and me.

Clashes of ideas always happens - how is it possible for two people to agree with each other all the time? If a person just wants others to agree with him and is not open to other ideas, his life will never move forward. GCS and me have been yelling at each other since years ago, Tk has a completely different way of handling relationships compared to me, PSH has been conveniently using me as a human shield for as long as I can remember - that hasn't affected our friendship.

I love it when I receive comments - it doesn't matter if those are dissenting or agreeing comments. When you comment, it's doesn't only tell me that you have actually read and thought about what I said, but you are also trying to tell me something that you think I need to know. That is awesome - because, by doing that, you are trying to understand me and at the same time, trying to make me understand you.

I will keep my blog this way - it will not only consist of my daily life, but it will also contain what I have read, what I have seen, what I have heard - politics, philosophy, religion, history, current affairs, science, etc etc... Things that I am happy about, things that I am not happy about, things that I am thankful about...

By the way, Natalie said, 'Let just all be balls of glory of God bouncing around campus!' Seriously, only she can think of something like this...

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Monday, September 08, 2008

The Lord is my Shepherd -

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd
I shall not be in want;
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters,
He restores my soul.

He guides me in paths of righteousness
For his name's sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death,
I will fear no evil;
For you are with me,
Your rod and your staff,
They comfort me.

You lay a table before me
In the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil,
My cup overflows.

Surely goodness and love will follow me,
All the rest of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord


Sunday, September 07, 2008

星座統計 -

節錄 - 朋友forward的東西...!

第 1名 射手座 1,864 票 24% 第 7名 天蠍座 371 票 4%
第 2名 水瓶座 1,720 票 22% 第 8名 巨蟹座 358 票 4%
第 3名 雙子座 811 票 10% 第 9名 雙魚座 301 票 4%
第 4名 獅子座 516 票 6% 第10名 處女座 214 票 2%
第 5名 天秤座 495 票 6% 第11名 魔羯座 211 票 2%
第 6名 牡羊座 475 票 6% 第12名 金牛座 163 票 2%

第 1名 射手座 968 票 19% 第 7名 獅子座 314 票 6%
第 2名 巨蟹座 851 票 16% 第 8名 天秤座 299 票 5%
第 3名 雙子座 504 票 10% 第 9名 天蠍座 286 票 5%
第 4名 水瓶座 491 票 9% 第10名 金牛座 214 票 4%
第 5名 雙魚座 380 票 7% 第11名 處女座 212 票 4%
第 6名 牡羊座 318 票 6% 第12名 魔羯座 199 票 3%

第 1名 射手座 682 票 16% 第 7名 雙子座 296 票 7%
第 2名 金牛座 620 票 15% 第 8名 牡羊座 261 票 6%
第 3名 雙魚座 428 票 10% 第 9名 天蠍座 222 票 5%
第 4名 天秤座 343 票 8% 第10名 巨蟹座 221 票 5%
第 5名 獅子座 316 票 7% 第11名 魔羯座 201 票 4%
第 6名 水瓶座 314 票 7% 第12名 處女座 191 票 4%

第 1名 射手座 2,069 票 18% 第 7名 獅子座 588 票 5%
第 2名 水瓶座 1,696 票 14% 第 8名 牡羊座 491 票 4%
第 3名 天秤座 1,445 票 12% 第 9名 魔羯座 404 票 3%
第 4名 雙子座 1,437 票 12% 第10名 金牛座 366 票 3%
第 5名 雙魚座 1,365 票 11% 第11名 處女座 366 票 3%
第 6名 天蠍座 925 票 8% 第12名 巨蟹座 342 票 2%

第 1名 射手座 1,043 票 30% 第 7名 牡羊座 176 票 5%
第 2名 水瓶座 607 票 17% 第 8名 魔羯座 151 票 4%
第 3名 雙子座 368 票 10% 第 9名 獅子座 139 票 4%
第 4名 雙魚座 240 票 7% 第10名 金牛座 113 票 3%
第 5名 天蠍座 196 票 5% 第11名 巨蟹座 92 票 2%
第 6名 天秤座 195 票 5% 第12名 處女座 90 票 2%

第 1名 雙子座 783 票 20% 第 7名 處女座 251 票 6%
第 2名 天秤座 500 票 12% 第 8名 雙魚座 229 票 5%
第 3名 射手座 360 票 9% 第 9名 金牛座 228 票 5%
第 4名 魔羯座 356 票 9% 第10名 獅子座 221 票 5%
第 5名 水瓶座 276 票 7% 第11名 牡羊座 199 票 5%
第 6名 天蠍座 271 票 7% 第12名 巨蟹座 184 票 4%

第 1名 天秤座 1,417 票 22% 第 7名 獅子座 381 票 6%
第 2名 天蠍座 791 票 12% 第 8名 雙子座 379 票 6%
第 3名 雙魚座 554 票 8% 第 9名 金牛座 376 票 5%
第 4名 水瓶座 519 票 8% 第10名 處女座 360 票 5%
第 5名 射手座 469 票 7% 第11名 牡羊座 322 票 5%
第 6名 巨蟹座 440 票 6% 第12名 魔羯座 308 票 4%

第 1名 天蠍座 1,331 票 17% 第 7名 魔羯座 558 票 7%
第 2名 射手座 1,274 票 16% 第 8名 雙子座 472 票 6%
第 3名 天秤座 903 票 11% 第 9名 獅子座 403 票 5%
第 4名 牡羊座 667 票 8% 第10名 處女座 306 票 3%
第 5名 雙魚座 659 票 8% 第11名 金牛座 285 票 3%
第 6名 水瓶座 577 票 7% 第12名 巨蟹座 285 票 3%


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Going back to 21218.

Transiting at Hong Kong; will have nothing to do tonight except to sleep.

School will start as soon as I get back. The coming semester is projected to be very busy.

It is amazing to find out that other than the two A*STAR guys there should be 3 more guys and 2 more girls who will be Singaporean freshmen this year. I have not met them - I am looking forward to! We are organising something this coming Sunday!

There will be a couple of administrative things to do before things can actually start running. There is still no Internet at our new house; I would suppose we will need to survive on library Internet for a while...

Also looking forward to meeting with Dr. Lotan who will be my new collaborator. She is apparently very interested in what I am doing and is willing to do a lot of things that I have no time or resources to do so I really do hope that the project can leapt forward from this year onwards!

Quite a bit of Singapore stuff as well; AGA director will be coming on 21 Sept, and there will be this Singapore Seminar in Boston in October. I would most probably go - treating it as a friend-meeting opportunity lol!

Other stuff like HCF, tutoring will also occupy quite a large bit of my life. And also a lot of reading and papers and practices... MCAT also...

Travel plans include Peru and Italy; I will be expecting Songyu at least for Thanksgiving this year; mum will come earliest late April to start her relatives-visiting tour before commencement.

This is going to be a busy yet fun year. Will see what happens!
