Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Chess the Musical!

Shireen posted a video of the song 'I Know Him So Well' from Chess the Musical - which reminded me about it!

I have known Chess since secondary school. There is a band score for the medley of songs from Chess and we were always playing it. The musical didn't really take on Phantom of the Opera fame; though every now and then they will revive it for a few nights. Actually I didn't know that it was revived again recently in London with Josh Groban!

'Anthem' - one of my favourites - is sung as the finale and at the end of Act I:


No man, no madness
Though their sad power may prevail
Can possess, conquer, my country's heart
They rise to fail

She is eternal
Long before nations' lines were drawn
When no flags flew, when no armies stood
My land was born

And you ask me why I love her
Through wars, death and despair
She is the constant
We who don't care
And you wonder will I leave her -- but how?

I cross over borders but I'm still there now

How can I leave her?
Where would I start?
Let man's petty nations tear themselves apart
My land's only borders lie around my heart
Oh and I went hiking yesterday. We went to Annapolis Rock - which is on part of the Appalachian Trail in Maryland. It was nice - and we were extremely lucky because, if we had went 1 hour later, we would have been caught in a downpour which lasted till today. Follow this link for the photos (signing in not required):

