I have posted this before, and I am posting it again -because this is the ultimate psyche-up song for finals period. For me at least.
回望過去 滄桑百年 有過幾多 悽風苦雨天
東方之珠 熬過鍛鍊 熬過苦困 遍歷多少變遷
沉著應變 苦中有甜 笑聲哭聲 響於耳邊
東方之珠 贏過讚羨 贏過一串暗淡艱苦的挑戰
無言地幹 新績創不斷 無盡的勇氣 無窮的鬥志 永存不變
繁榮共創 刻苦永不倦 龍裔的貢獻 能傳得更遠 光輝一片
迎面更有 千千百年 這小海島 新績再展
東方之珠 誰也讚羨 猶似加上美麗璀燦的冠冕
回望過去 滄桑百年 有過幾多 悽風苦雨天
東方之珠 誰也讚羨 猶似加上美麗璀燦的冠冕
無言地幹 新績創不斷 無盡的勇氣 無窮的鬥志 永存不變
繁榮共創 刻苦永不倦 龍裔的貢獻 能傳得更遠 光輝一片
龍裔的貢獻 能傳得更遠 光輝一片
Singapore should come up with something like that to motivate Singaporeans, especially overseas Singaporeans, to not die when crazy things hit. Such as finals (or whatever people call them) and experiments that do not work.
(I don't think our national songs are that motivating... I tried but they don't really work :P You can try them yourselves...)
If you like this song, you can make Singapore = 東方之珠 and the contents will still work. It is just that the lyrics are in Cantonese.
It psyches me up because the lyrics suggest that, we - the people of this city - will continue to survive and own the world through our optimism, perseverance, courage, hard work and resilience no matter what kind of crap that we are currently going through.
And yes, I identify with this city, and thus I should persevere, work hard and fight through challenges bravely with a smile - and we will all celebrate success and make our mark in the world.
Look at how successful Singapore and Hong Kong are now - we have done it before, and we will always be able to do it, because these characteristics are within us, are part of us no matter where we are now, because we are born in these two cities.
(I have a bit of identity crisis - sometimes I speak to Singaporeans as a Hongkonger, most times when I speak to Hongkongers I am a Singaporean, and most of the time I introduce myself as a Singaporean - but some roots thing is still there...)
I don't really like the Mandarin version; that is basically just singing praise for HK...
小河彎彎向南流 流到香江去看一看
東方之珠 我的愛人 妳的風采是否浪漫依然
月兒彎彎的海港 夜色深深 燈火閃亮
東方之珠 整夜未眠 守著滄海桑田變幻的諾言
*讓海風吹拂了五千年 每一滴淚珠彷彿都說出妳的尊嚴
讓海潮伴我來保佑妳 請別忘記我永遠不變黃色的臉
#船兒彎彎入海港 回頭望望 滄海茫茫
東方之珠 擁抱著我 讓我溫暖你那蒼涼的胸膛
重唱 *,#,*,*