Paradise on Earth.
First read this when I was in lower sec, and then studied it for Chinese Lit in Sec 3. Liked it a lot for the sense of mystery... though apparently it was not written by the author just for pure entertainment.桃花源記 陶淵明
Not going to translate this. Too long, and I am already making a compromise by posting it in simplified :P so people like GCS don't complain :D
Oh well. Found this place in Scotland! Haha it is really similar... just that there is no one living in the paradise. I have to walk 5 miles along a road and then scramble (yeah scramble... some parts of the path are so scary that I have to use my hands to help me) through a narrow river gorge for roughly half to one mile before getting to the place :P
Though when I reach the hidden valley it was utmost rewarding. It is mighty, beautiful, tranquil; the river flows quitely in the middle, with grassland and forest (dotted with wild flowers) surrounding it; the jewel on the crown is the waterfall at the other end! I felt so happy when I reached the place... even more happy than Ben Nevis; or I would say, even more happy than getting As for my papers :P
There were a number of other hikers around too... I can see that they are also really charmed by the place, especially the couples. I met this Singaporean family when I was heading back... I was really surprised to see them (Singaporeans, don't, hike... let alone a family, with two 12/13 years-old girls, in a place so far away from the normal touristy places; they actually drove from Edinburgh to get there, and they had already visited Glencoe!), and they were really surprised to see me too (apparently same feeling). When I told them I walked up Ben Nevis the day before, the dad went 'are you an officer in the army?' Haha nope, I am just a medic...
Another thing I like about hiking is that hikers are generally very friendly (at least in both Wales and Scotland). We smile and say hi to each other (basically all are strangers), pick up small chats with each other along the way, admire the scenery together, warn each other with the dangers ahead... Basically I never felt lonely over there even though I was alone. How wonderful that was...
Along the way when I was travelling alone I have met and talked to quite a few people. It's a nice experience indeed! Though the logistics gets pretty nasty at times... especially when you need to use the bathroom and no one can look after your things for you. Also, it can get pretty lonely sometimes... but my kind of personality allows me to tolerate that.
I like to be with people, but I am fine being by myself.
I think I am too careful when I come to planning things... I rather wait than rush and freak out and then see the plane/train/bus leave in front of my eyes. Had one nasty experience of almost missing a flight because of stupid security check at BWI (that's my fault actually); not going to make the same mistake again.
Though I think that annoyed Shireen quite a bit :P I got her to book a 7:45am bus (instead of an 8:30am bus; anyway 7:45 is really early to be honest) to leave Cambridge tomorrow morning so that we can have 2 hours to get everything settled in London before getting on the train. Might be too much, but I seriously think 1 hour is not enough... especially on a Sunday morning when the stupid Tube might have 10-minute frequencies, and we still have to change once. I'll know :P
I am not at Cambridge at a very good time anyway; friends are busy planning and getting ready for May Week stuff and whatnot (though is there a good time? don't know :P). Though still managed to catch up with a couple of friends from A*Star and not; e.g. Haihan, Kelvin Chan (I know them long before A*Star), and finally re-linked Yaofeng to him :P I knew him since SRP time but kind of didn't keep in regular contact... and had a nice chat with Manu yesterday night! Also got to know some new friends, which is always nice :)
Home in 5 days... Biopolis seems quite fun nowadays from what Ka Yi is telling me. Looking forward to joining the fun hahaha :D
And lastly photos!