Monday, June 04, 2007


Will be travelling alone for the next 11 days (or 10?)...

Have been asking myself why do I want to travel. It is troublesome, tiring, and costs money... Yeah actually if I want to save money I should have gone home. I have in my itinerary:

22 June (Mum + Dad + Sister):
> Home (Free).

When Shireen saw it she went, 'Home (Free)?!' (Hmms though that's true isn't it :P)

I travel for mainly 3 things:
1. Inspiring scenery, buildings and monuments - allows me to reflect and think about the future.
2. History - basically it is my interest. My historical knowledge all comes from travelling.
3. Culture - the hardest bit for me (because I don't actively approach people), but it is always the most rewarding.

Anyway this EuroTrip is really unique... I am not travelling with anyone, instead, I am travelling to places to meet people. It has been pretty nice so far :)

Had a nice chat with Ce Xiang; we exchanged a lot of ideas. We think quite similarly in a lot of aspects actually I think...

Just to share a little:

1. I am beginning to find making moral judgments meaningless. The more I know, the more I realised that everything has in fact more than two sides. GCS is right: there is no truth. Although I might believe in a set of things, and I may believe in more (or less) in the future, these are not absolute truths. I cannot use what I believe in to judge someone else... I have no right to.

2. I believe that the basis of a relationship is: 1) mutual understanding (knowing and acknowledging why each other thinks and feels this way); 2) mutual respect (not forcing anything upon each other); 3) accommodating each other (making reasonable changes to yourself to suit the needs of the other). Sounds familiar? However how many people can actually do that? GCS says that I am too sensitive but I think these have become my principles...

Mutual is the most important!

Haha there are many more. I'll keep them for conversations I guess :)

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