So Gerald was here for a few days. Brought him around - since now I have a car I can do so so much more easily. Think slightly more than a year ago when Wen Yu came - I had to take the shuttle down to JHMI and then a $15 cab ride to the travel plaza to pick him up. Now I just drove there and drove back :P and now can bring Gerald to tour the school, Fort MacHenry, Peabody, and Inner Habour all in a day. The money spent on the car is worth it.Though I had to go to lab for Monday and Tuesday - if not we would have gone to every single visitable corner of Baltimore already. Haha I am quite proud of my local knowledge nowadays :P ______________________________________
Songyu says that I have the funniest mother in the world (see previous comment). Hahaha not only I have the funniest mother I also have the mother with the most ideas ranging from life to government, the mother with the most activities outside of home, the mother who ask her son to edit her articles to newspapers the most often, the mother who gets excited the most easily, the mother who shows admiration to her Korean drama idol the most openly, etc etc etc.
She still goes volunteering 3 times a week (KWSH, NUH/CCF, CPC), take classes 2 times a week (yoga, English), helps out at the charity organisation she works for on an ad-hoc basis, go have lunch with friends, and yet every time at 6pm she would be watching TV (following 3 series all the time) because she has nothing to do while waiting for my dad to come back. Now she has a new addition - she enrolled in some community college for the elderly (the youngest limit is 50 - and she is just nice 50 :P), to take classes on, huh, I have no idea now.
The only thing that I need to worry about her now is that she runs around too much - especially now during Chinese New Year period she always has millions of radish cakes to make and she always insists in giving them out personally. Though my dad does a good job in keeping that in check :D
She always tells sushi and me that the most difficult thing for our future partners would be to deal with the dynamics of our family. We are very open, quick-witted, direct in criticisms, wide in terms of interests, we take nothing to heart, yet we are never stingy in giving compliments, assistance, care and love.
My mum also said that, the most important advice she would give to my future partner is, she has to read my blog - at least most posts - so that she can make an informed decision of whether she can tahan me for the next 50 years. Haha that can be pretty true - I try to portray myself as true as possible here. This will also reflect how I have been changing along the way :)
Sushi already hated me for posing her photos for some strange reason no one else other than her comprehends. I am going to pose more of her in action :D