Saturday, October 14, 2006

Another Lau Hiu Yeung's blog.

I found this HK guy who has exactly the same name as me some time ago, lost his site and rediscovered him today! Haha it's public domain, so since I can find him everyone can.

Google Patraqushe + Xanga. You can find him too. Though his entries are completely in Cantonese...

And this is inspired by one of his posts:


作曲:陳輝陽 編曲:陳輝陽 填詞:林夕

&時來運到 天下無敵 天生有種總有用
無論場地軟硬 長與短途 同樣向前衝
難捱便有衝動 趁機表現 誰及我英勇
未必要做強者 稱霸最強 是我不怕痛

#時來運到 天下無敵 即使最終得個夢
無論成敗最後 能夠開懷 才是至成功
沿途越有希望 才越有望 誰及我相信
幸福要問自己 不必強求 運氣會贈送

假使很低 不怕去到了谷底
似隻螞蟻 奮勇攀石亦壯麗
世界亦細 但我心 深不見底

@好的東西 定能留低
我信最尾 我還未毀
我放得低 拿著更覺矜貴
笑對亂世 難道我會失禮

Repeat: & -> @ -> & -> #

Dedicated to everyone who needs to work hard for whatever reason :)