So the exam was not that bad after all... I am in fact very happy with my results. The essay too! I fully didn't expect such a good grade from Dr. Cotton. And the remarkable thing is, her comments for each one of our essays are at least 1 page long! I received 1.5 pages of comments and some people even had 3 pages! How marvellous. And her comments are indeed quite useful.Spent one whole night yesterday mugging 4 criminal cases and completing a comparison exercise... It was not easy at all. I stayed up until 3 something for it. And today I have just finished a biochem lab report... Again it is taking up so much of my time. Just for 2 credits.
Just realised Six Flags might not work out... It clashes with the MAF dinner! If Shengyong they all cannot make it in time for MAF dinner I guess I should forfeit Six Flags... Well, there is always another time, I have 3 years here...
And have this vague idea of going to DC alone on Fall Break Monday to pay those popular tourist attractions a visit and to wander around one museum or two. Lynn was telling me that she will be going that Sat to pay a visit to a friend of her parents, but she has not met them before. Actually I am obliged to do the same (my mum's friend's brother) but I guess I will see how first? Got to decide latest this week though...