Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Blog Style.

> Yan: If you are still having problems, scroll all the way down and there is a tiny link "Revert to Old Template". The new template screwed up my layout completely, conveniently removed all my added features, made my link-box extremely ugly, and used a code which I have no knowledge of (well, whatever I paste into the code page doesn't work, and I don't know what's wrong). So I reverted.

Haha and I found this site yesterday! Fantastic fantastic fantastic! Their collections of CDs and DVDs are very up-to-date and complete, and it's not considered very expensive by US standard. I expect myself to be buying quite a bit of stuff from there as I always make it a point not to download things that I like :P

Based in the US and Canada, but available globally too:
YesAsia.com (USA, Chinese)
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Also available at these places!

Cell Bio? I just found out that I docked probably 5 points at least. Well, for this test, either I have done really well, or I screwed up really badly. I hate tests which have MCQs that worth 3 points each and an 8-point question asking you for only 2 circles and 3 words. :I :I :I Maybe I am still too used to the HC bio style of answering questions...