Friday, November 03, 2006

Very well...

My family never fails to amuse me. When I am at home we will amuse one another by engaging in conversations every now and then, where my mum will come up with all sorts of funny theories and my dad will add on to it with hilarious responses sporadically. Now, my mum entertains me by sending me stuff. (Haha by the way, really appreciated that :D)

First I picked this up from the mailroom:

If not for the extremely honest 'sauce in glass bottle' (written by my sister, obviously) custom declaration, the whole parcel would have disintegrated. US customs will not doubt for a second that this comes from a terrorist.

After I opened the packaging, I felt really happy for my electric pot: my mum sent its home back to it!

Then I saw these, extremely well protected:

The nonya curry looks really familiar... Doesn't that come from SHATEC during pre-departure programme? Thanks for reminding me that I forgot to bring that to America.

After that comes the letter:

My mum is wishing me MERRY CHRISTMAS when she sent the parcel off on 31 Aug!! Well, even if it takes like 2 months for it to get here via surface mail, 31 Aug + 2 months = 31 October = 2 more months to Christmas?!?!

Then, here comes the explanation for sending me the home for my pot:
I really have to salute my mum man. This is really the ultimate. Yes madam, done as I am told. Please remember to buy it back from me when you see it on Yahoo! Auction (or get Auntie Bonnie/Uncle Dennis/Uncle Gordon to buy it). I guarantee shipment by air-mail without extra charge :D

Anyway, thank you very much for the sauce and stuff... haha can perform new experiments already.

And I did well for the biochem exam. I am really really blessed....