Let me take 5 minutes break from organic chem before continuing.For the benefit of those (esp. GCS) who wants me to translate:
大學之道, 在明明德、在親民、在止於至善
The way of the great learning involves manifesting virtue,
renovating the people, and abiding by the highest good.
Investigate things and ideas, complete your knowledge
Make your thoughts sincere, rectify your heart
Cultivate yourself as a person, put your family in good shape
Rightly govern your country, and ultimately bring peace to the whole kingdom (world).
-From 大學 (The Great Learning), the first book of the designated 4 books that form the core of Confucianism.
This English translation restricted the broad interpretations the original classical Chinese clauses are capable of. Personally I prefer this interpretation of the first sentence (whether or not it is correct, I don't think it matters hahaha :D):
The ultimate aim of education is to cause learners to be able to understand and practice the set of moral values and qualities honoured by society, influence people around them with it, until society achieves the greatest harmony.