Life continues.
So classes continue. There hasn't been much things taught to us and the biochem professor is already behind schedule. Well, I guess is a good thing... And Yi Chung was really freaked out by the BME Molecules and Cells assignment given to him. It was really *quite* difficult; if anyone wants to see it I have it...Luckily I just have to mug amino acids. More or less done by the way. Classes will come full swing next week...
Well, have been cooking dinner and buying lunch everyday; and I figured that if I eat at the buffet at Fresh Food Cafe everyday I'll just go broke in no time ($8.95?!). Discovered some rather nice curry chicken rice on campus anyway, and it costs $5.51 (still...)
Went to Towson (Vera and Ben fetched us there in their rental car! :)) and got my handphone line and a printer. The line comes with a Nokia 6010 which I believe if I were to sell it it won't worth a cent. Anyway, it's free... and bought a HP Deskjet, the cheapest I can get over there. Still costs around 40 bucks though.
I have been trying to get stamps and it is really difficult! Anyway got 10 39 cents stamps from the post office (only ones they sell on Sat, cos it's from a machine), and International Mail costs 84 cents. I really don't know how I am going to utilise them. I will have to try my luck again with Wolman mail room on Monday...
Went downtown to walk around (of course with Vera and Ben, though they went off after we arrived). Inner Habour was quite nice, but Yiran, Yi Chung and me did not have any travel guide/map with us so we did not really do much. And we didn't want to pay anything so we didn't visit any of the attractions... (waiting for mum and dad to come :))
And went for a SSA gathering at night to celebrate Vera's birthday. Wow the suites in Homewood are really really nice! Yiran and Yi Chung are sufficiently convinced that next year they will move here and we should all get a 3/4 bedroom suite. Met a few Hong Konger cum Singaporeans (i.e. same identity as me...?), and to my surprise, Clive (02S77) was here too!! He told me that he saw me at Maryland/Krieger that day and he wasn't sure whether that was me, and now sure he is... Apparently he did not do NS. And was surprised to find out that Lynn was actually 03S77 also?! I don't seem to remember seeing her around in HC at all... Well, you know how bad my socialising skills are :)
By the way my (finalised) contact details:
Home: 1-410-516-2473
Hp: 1-410-900-0993
Address: 3003 North Charles Street, Apt. #322, Baltimore, MD 21218-3811, United States of America