Sunday, December 09, 2007

Princess Syndrome!

This awesome article explained extremely clearly what I meant by sushi.

Ok la sister I don't think you fit the criteria. But I will continue to call you sushi and that is unnegotiable :D

Uncyclopedia: 公主症候群

Quote (Summary):

這種女性多數在家都被細心疼愛,以為全天下男人都會像家人一樣疼愛自己。或是自幼被窮搖(瓊瑤),日據(日劇)、寒劇(韓劇)、好萊巫(好萊塢)、少女漫畫、言情小說等重度污染而導致腦殘。 一般認定有點漂亮或漂亮的女性患病率較高,但據調查結果發現性喜盛裝並自我感覺良好的恐龍是病患中最大宗者。但由於男性眼中僅有漂亮的女性存在,其他則認定是發育不全的男人或裝扮皇后,並甘願成為好人或奴隸獸。有點漂亮或漂亮的女性因而加重其病症,故男性雖為其害但亦為幫兇卻不自覺也。

(This kind of girls are being loved at home excessively, causing them to think that all guys in this world will treat them like how their family would. They might also have been heavily polluted by Japanese drama, Korean drama, Hollywood movies, mushy comics and fiction since they were small, resulting in serious brain damage. Generally it is recognised that this syndrome is more common in girls that are considered slightly pretty or pretty, though according to statistics dinosaurs that like to dress up and feel good about themselves belong to the most seriously affected group. However, because only pretty girls exist in all guys' perspective, while guys consider all others to be mere Christmas trees or underdeveloped men, guys are generally willing to act as 'nice guys' or 'slaves' before these girls. Therefore symptoms in these girls tend to exacerbate; guys tend to expediate the process without even realising despite them suffering from the consequences of the syndrome.)

(Hahaha this article is definitely written by a guy. Please don't take it too seriously - this is more for humour than anything. The terms 'dinosaur', 'nice guys', 'slaves' etc do not reflect their actual meanings in Hongkong and Taiwanese slang.)

Haha yeah sushi Yan you can never be a real sushi. You don't have nice enough parents and a nice enough brother. We are just too brutal (and idiotic?) :D

Of course the article provides a link to one describing the Prince Syndrome (sushi仔) as well :D

Edit 11:17pm:
I just couldn't stop reading all these Uncyclopedia entries. Seriously damn funny... hahaha and I realised that I am really out of touch with the HK/Taiwanese student culture.

etc etc etc. Recommended especially for GCS.
