Blog Traffic Part 2.
Finally I know why my sitemeter acts so strange when it comes to measuring actual visiting length for each visitor.The visitor needs to outclick from my site in order for the stupid software to log the visiting length properly. I have been wondering for ages how is it possible for my visitors to finish reading the stuff that I post (usually they are horrendously long) in 0 min 00 seconds and still be able to discuss the contents with me.
So, if you belong to the kind that logs on, reads, and then closes your browser/or types in another address directly in the navigation bar/or clicks directly on one of your 'My Favourite' links, you have been Superman for the past months. I have been really jealous of your reading speed.
Now no more. Hehehe show your true colours by clicking on one of the links that I have here. I will provide a link for Google, Yahoo and Hotmail so that you can do it easily *evil grin*
Labels: Random