Finals Period.
5 more weeks to the end of term: i.e. will get progressively more and more busy.Class registration has started for next semester also; though because the classes that I planned to take are kind of full I might need to change my schedule quite a bit. Sophomores can only start registering on Friday... Now we can only watch the juniors and seniors take away all our favourite classes. Argh all the pre-meds. Don't want to say more :P
Will have to start real work from today onwards! i.e. less Internet. Hopefully this semester will work out fine.
Haha this is the song that really motivates me. I am born a Hongkonger and no matter what identity I bear and how I have been moulded differently a Hongkonger's blood still flows inside me. That is how my parents succeeded, and this is how I will succeed.
Never say die.
(The English translation is for those who are interested... it is done within 15 minutes so I apologise if it doesn't sound right :P)
The Pearl of the Orient
回望過去 滄桑百年
(looking back at the one hundred years that passed)
有過幾多 淒風苦雨天
(there had been many cold and rainy days)
東方之珠 熬過鍛煉
(the Pearl of the Orient persevered)
(she persevered through hardship and endured changes)
沉著應變 苦中有甜
(she reacted calmly; there are pleasant moments even in difficult times)
笑聲哭聲 響於耳邊
(laughter and crying ring in her ears)
東方之珠 贏過讚羨
(the Pearl of the Orient has won praise and envy)
(she has conquered a series of dark and trying challenges)
*無言地幹 新績創不斷
(we work meticulously, as we keep achieving)
無盡的勇氣 無窮的鬥志
(our limitless courage and fighting spirit)
(will forever exist and never falter)
繁榮共創 刻苦永不倦
(together we prosper, as we continue to strive on)
龍裔的貢獻 能傳得更遠
(the contributions of the dragon people can be spreaded far and wide)
(our future is bright)
迎面更有 千千百年
(there are thousands of years ahead of her)
這小海島 新績再展
(this little island will continue to achieve)
東方之珠 誰也讚羨
(everyone praises and envies the Pearl of the Orient)
(it is as though a beautiful and glorious crown has been given to her)
回望過去 滄桑百年
(looking back at the hundred years that passed)
有過幾多 淒風苦雨天
(there had been many cold and rainy days)
東方之珠 誰也讚羨
(everyone praises and envies the Pearl of the Orient)
(it is as though a beautiful and glorious crown has been given to her)