Thursday, November 01, 2007


Kept running into admin problems with the school. First I couldn't get my international registration hold released because their system was down, then they wanted to delete my JHED account and give me a new one for some reason, now they said that my library account had expired and needed my class schedule to override the glitch.

I had just convinced those people that I couldn't afford to get a new JHED ID because it will mess up all my emails and webct applications. Though now my ISIS account was still registered under the new JHED - if it doesn't migrate back to the old one soon I will have to make more and even louder noise.

Probably this is because I have been complaining too much and have not been doing good deeds. I am trying to make up for it by registering for blood donation 2 weeks later :P

Entering November... i.e. the crazy period has begun. 1 essay due + 1 exam on Monday; will need to prepare some drafts by Monday, and there will be a take-home due next Thursday. It's not going to stop after that :(

Really envying those people who can go out and party tonight... (How come they can and I can't?! We are all from the same school?! Hmmms, that's not considering the fact that I don't get invited to parties :P)

By the way, should be taking these classes next semester:
1. Developmental Biology + Lab (3+2)
2. Medical Biochemistry (3)
3. AIDS (3)
4. The Concept of the Patient in Anthropology (3)
5. Science on Display (3)

That's 17 credits + research. Surely not as bad as the engineers, but I guess it's still going to be challenging (anyway I really don't dare to overload too much with biology and history courses - seriously will write essay/paper until I cry) :P
