The hell weekend is over :) Though that doesn't mean I can slack much. Will be running to and from downtown almost everyday this week, and I have just took some action to force myself to start writing my history paper and preparing for the final presentation. Still have to finish a take-home exam for molecular biology (basically it's a ~2-page essay - should take one night of reading notes/papers + one night of writing), hopefully by Thursday.Great thing is that I managed to pull myself back up for Genetics! At least now I don't have to be too worried anymore :)
>Angel: Haha well said! The problem is that we are kind of results-oriented... It is hard to get people to enjoy the learning process when the most important thing is the amount of As we get. This happens in America too... It is just that, over here they very much leave us alone to do our own learning so it is up to us how we want our education to be structured. I want to learn as much meaningful stuff as possible; that's why I am taking the classes (haha I will be taking another anthropology class next semester) I am taking now...
Haha my choices had made my life more difficult surely :P Though again, what's the point of coming to America to do something easy? Like that might as well just stay at home and chill :P
Anyway, I always think that humanities play an extremely significant role even in professions such as medicine and biological sciences. I will talk about this another time... Got to run for classes :P