Wednesday, August 15, 2007

State Quarters.

As you can see, I am really free... to the extent that I can blog in the lab. Though tomorrow I will have to come back at 8:30 to prepare for an experiment...

One thing to add for the previous blog: My main point is that the government doesn't have to care whether Singaporeans bother to learn Chinese. When reality sets in, they will force themselves to learn, just like the Hongkongers. If Singaporeans can survive with the current general attitude, then there is nothing to worry about. If there needs to be a transition period, there are some people who can keep the boat afloat for at least a while, e.g. I have seen my father translating Chinese documents to English and vice versa - he shouldn't be doing it but what if there is no one else to do it?

However, if Singaporeans decide to run when reality sinks in, then so be it. Haha I guess that is more likely to be the case though, because that is already happening (people sending their children to Australia to evade learning Chinese?). If that happens I guess there is nothing MM Lee can do anyway :P

Hence the main point of the whole blog is the sentence 'MM Lee can relax' :D
Ok state quarters.

Figured out 2 things:
1. No wonder it is so hard to get some of the quarters! They are minted at different quantities! Some are minted at less than half the quantity of the more plentiful ones (like Maine vs. Connecticut)...

2. Some are not even out yet! They include the newer states e.g. Arizona, Utah, Alaska, Hawaii. No wonder I have not even seen those quarters before.

Haha check it out over here. This is the coolest set of coins I have ever seen, and it is the only set of coins that I bother to collect. Now my collection has ~35 different states and I hope to complete it by the time I am done with my bachelors - given that the last coin will only be out late 2008 I guess it is going to take some time...
