Monday, April 02, 2007

Not April's Fool (Hopefully).

I think this site is becoming my source of information regarding A*Star's policy.
And I guess new Chairman will still be pretty much under his influence...

ANY A*Star scholar who is interested in an eventual MD/PhD, FYI:

philip yeo // Apr 1, 2007 at 9:20 am

Case by case.

Every scholar who meets the A*STAR academic threshold has the privilege of funding support for the BS-PhD (UK/US) or MBBS-PhD (UK or Spore) for up to 8 years with a 6 years service obligation.

After the 3 years BS, the remainder funding is 5 years only. If a BS scholar wants to pursue say the Duke MD-PhD (4 plus 4 years) then he/she has to find his/her own OR third party funding for the MD part.

The third party say MOH may require additional service obligation.
Just wondering if Astar has ever considered letting a given percentage of its scholars pursue an MD-PhD after their bachelor’s degree…_

i.e. It is not cannot. Though if I am eventually doing it I hope to make it 3+3 instead of 4+4.
i.e. See what happens lor...
