I uploaded some photos on DHS4K01 so might as well duplicate them and the captions here: (Sorry for the wrong photo alignments; some technical problems... will rectify them ASAP. Will also blog about the trip(s) some more when I have more time :))This is our thanksgiving dinner! And this is not all our food. Clockwise from bottom left: Roasted turkey (Tk/CS), Caesar Salad (CS/me), whole cauliflower in mushroom sauce (Tk), Shepard's Pie (Jess/Deb), Potato Lagsana (Tk), Angel Hair pasta with Sour Cream/Spinach Sauce (Tk)
Desserts: clockwise from bottom right of table: Whipped cream (Supermarket), Chocolate ice-cream (supermarket), chocolate brownies (me/Tk), ginger ale (supermarket), tiramisu (me), chocolate mousse (me/Tk).
Tk tried to replicate a very very nice dessert we had in Hungary using our brownies, whipped cream, chocolate mousse, and chocolate syrup.
We made all these food completely from first principle. Though we have to first endure smoke from the oven, the oven catching fire, cheesecake falling into the sink, etc...
But in the end everything turned out more than fine... It was perfect! All thanks to TK the masterchef, CS who provided the kitchen and even mobilised his friend's kitchen, everyone who contributed to make this event successful, and everyone who came to share the joy :)