Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Holiday Time!

Yayy work is finally behind me! Haha now it is time for a real one week break :D

So this is what I am going to do (projected):

1. Organic Chemistry Lecture
2. Get Yiran, Yi Chung, Grace to come over
3. Make food :P
4. SSA's Thanksgiving Dinner
5. Meet Wen Yu
6. Go to Fell's Point to eat

1. Organic Chemistry Lecture
2. Go to DC!
3. Meet Wen Yu, Gerald (and company)
4. Walk, shop, eat
5. Go back to Baltimore

1. Slack + Pack
2. Go to the airport
3. Go to Chicago
4. Whatever that follows depends on GCS

1. Prepare food
2. Thanksgiving dinner!

1. Depends on everyone hahaha

1. Depends?
2. Come back to Baltimore
3. Back to work :(

Haha my mum is already asking whether I am in the US studying or holidaying. My answer is, haha, BOTH :D When it is time to study I study, when it is time to go on holiday I go :D