Tuesday, February 10, 2009


This semester is not as slack as I would like it to be.

I need to spend a lot of time on my research. I have since a long time ago cleared the standard research requirements (poster + report), but we are hoping that I can get something published by the end of June. I am nowhere near that goal at this point!

Now with that $250 poster sitting in my room, I should try to find more useful (free) conferences to go to - just to practise presenting and hopefully obtain some useful contacts. I probably should enter myself to the pathology talent search thing in April, despite the fact that everyone else would be a grad student or a post-doc :P

Moreover - school work is not as light as I thought it would be too. The stupid immunobiology problem set is based on material that is NOT in the lectures. History of medicine will have quizzes every week based on readings. D-bio lab has quizzes every week, and I have to prepare for a practice grant for the other d-bio class. And German is killing me as usual.

I don't even have the time and energy to read the literature! My PI has been feeding me with info all the time!

Like I told Cheryl, having a full load of classes in addition to a full load of research work is a nightmare, especially if your lab is like 5 miles away from your house and you are also doing other stuff on campus. After graduation I will not have classes anymore, but most probably I will fill that up with stuff that I would like to do. And according to MD/PhD people in Hopkins, I can forget about doing anything else but to study during the first 2 years of medical school.

3 more months to go!
